Electric panel
Electrical Panel Sector
The Electric Panel Sector is an independent sector with production, total turnover and employment it has created…
What is a Compensation Contactor?
Compensation brings the current and voltage difference to the required angle. In other words, the reactive that creates the negativities in the system…
Use of Shunt Reactor in Compensation
Shunt Reactors act as an absorber of reactive power to increase the energy efficiency of the power system.
What is Energy Analyzer? Energy Analyzer Connection Diagram
The network analyzer can present the values it measures on the screen, as well as according to the data it measures thanks to its programmable relays.
Three Phase X/5 Current Transformer Meter Connection
To measure the electricity consumption spent in places where electrical energy is used (home, workplace, factory)…
Electric panel
What is Electric Panel? What Does It Do?
The electrical panel is the main part of an electrical supply system that distributes the electrical current from the main source to the sub-circuits.