Üç Fazlı X/5 Akım Trafolu Sayaç Bağlantısı
Lot Pano


Posted On: 18/03/2022

Three Phase X/5 Current Transformer Meter Connection


It is a device used to measure the electricity consumption in places where electrical energy is used (home, workplace, factory). Your electricity meter gives you full information on how much energy you use. 

Counters measure in kilowatt/hour kwh and save them in their memory. (smart meter) The meter makes measurements in case of drawing current from the line. If no current is flowing through the system, it cannot measure. The most commonly used electric meter is the type of meter that measures power consumption in kilowatts/hour.
There is voltage but no current, it does not spin, and if there is current but no voltage (unlikely) it will not be rotated or rotated.
Factory workplace They are connected in series with current transformers to measure the electricity consumed in places such as

3 Phase Meter Connection

Electricity meters should be connected to the first input line coming from tedaş to places of use such as houses, workplaces and factories.

Connection of the electricity meter: Our electricity meter should be connected to the terminals 2, 5, 8 with a 3-phase supply from the input line of the facility, with the phases coming separately. Since the meter will measure the consumed electrical energy with current transformers, 3 current transformers should be connected to separate phases and 1 current transformer should be connected in series. The connections of the current transformers are made to the 1st transformer 1 and the 3rd numbered 2nd transformer 4, and the third to the 7 and 9 terminals. We prevent the damage of our meter by grounding the s2 secondary ends of the current transformers and we feed the terminal 10 with the network neutral.

Electricity Consumption Calculation


1 kilowatt-hour = 1000 watt-hour
Example: If a 200-watt electrical appliance is used for 10 hours, you will consume 2,000 watt-hours or 2 kilowatt-hours of power. 200 watts x 10 hours = 2,000 watt hours or 2 kilowatt hours.

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